Sunday, May 28, 2006

Hittin' The Roads For Memorial Day?

Have you (or will you be) hittin' the roads for Memorial Day?

To celebrate this "summer kickoff", many an American family have been (or will be) hittin' the open road for an extended weekend getaway.

My wife Mary and I did spend some time with my family in Gwinnett and we will be attending (and helping out with) the Roswell, Georgia, Memorial Day celebration tomorrow at their city hall.

Speaking of roads and roadtrips, Mary found this very interesting article in USA Today called "Best Drives of the Big Roads". It is a celebration of "all things Interstate" as the Interstate Highway System is approaching it's 50th Anniversary with suggested roadtrips, songs for the road, and even a quiz to test your Interstate knowledge. Please click here to read it.

Finally, please don't forget what Memorial Day is all about... honoring the memory of those American military personnel who gave their lives so that we could live in a free nation. Please also keep those who currently serve in our military in your thoughts and prayers. My little brother Chris, a Navy submarine officer, is among those who selflessly serve and I am proud of him for doing so. We fortunately got to see him this weekend, BTW. :)

Thanks for reading and may you and yours have a happy and safe Memorial Day. Y'all come back now, y'hear.

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