Friday, January 13, 2006

Roadgeeking... A Family Affair

Fellow road enthusiasts, did you know that "roadgeeking" can be fun for the whole family?

First of all, I got my wife Mary into it.

I even got my sister Laura and her husband Lib into it... at least while they were in Kazakhstan.

Today, I received an e-mail from my sister-in-law Fariha in Virginia, who, along with my brother Chris, have offered to take "lots and lots" of roadsign photos next time they're in Singapore and Malaysia (Fariha is originally from Singapore). Thanks, Chris and Fariha! :)

Yesterday, I received an e-mail from Joshua Jones, who found "The Georgia Road Geek" while looking for GA 400 exit information. He even included a very interesting photo that his mother, Alice Perkins of Cochran, GA, had taken while she was on her way home from work. Here's the photo:

Conflicting distance signs on US 129 ALT in the Hartford community near Hawkinsville, GA (Photo taken by Alice Perkins)

Is Cochran 9 miles from this point... or is it 10? Perhaps someone at the Georgia DOT could not make up their minds when they put these signs on this stretch of highway... so they figured they both can be right and they all lived happily ever after. :)

Seriously, folks, the "COCHRAN 9" sign was eventually removed and the other remained... but fortunately, not before Alice took this picture for posterity. A very special "thank you" to both Alice and Joshua for sharing this excellent photo with "The Georgia Road Geek".

As you have seen, "roadgeeking" can be a family affair, so, my fellow road enthusiasts, see if you can get your family into it as well. If you have a similar story you wish to share with us, then please e-mail it to georgiaroadgeek at bellsouth dot net.

Thanks for visiting, have fun "roadgeeking", and please come back often.


Adam said...

I've had colleagues from work contribute photos. Along with friends give suggestions and go on roadtrips with me.

Anonymous said...

I've gotten my Dad to take photos for me over the years, and my sister, brother-in-law, brother, and friends too. Most importantly I got my 4-year old son to show interest in roads, signs, traffic lights, too! He gets his own clinched Interstate page too. :o)