Saturday, September 23, 2006

License Plate Brouhaha

Recently, the State of Georgia announced its proposed new license plate design to be rolled out next spring.

Several folks took a look at the new plates and decided that they just didn't like them, so the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) sponsored their own "design Georgia's new tag" contest.

People all over sent in their designs, the AJC readers voted, and the winning design was done by Lynda Saunders of Peachtree City. Please click here to read the article and see all the submitted designs.

Congratulations to Ms. Saunders for her winning entry.

Personally, I did not have a very strong opinion on the new license plate and would've been satisfied with the existing design. My only concern would be that special plates such as Amateur Radio, wildlife, college/university, etc., still be available to Georgians as an alternative to the standard plate.

Again, I congratulate Ms. Saunders for her winning entry and I'll just leave it at that for now.

Thanks for reading and visiting, and please come back again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Georgia is changing tag designs yet again?!?! What the heck, how often do they need to change them in the Peach State these days? I was just getting used to the current design, and finally got one for my collection last year. Now I'll have to wait a couple of years after the next design comes about to get one. Blah.

Was that design on the AJC just a poll, or are officials actually going to consider or use the one voted on as the best?