Saturday, September 16, 2006

Plates, Signs, And ROADGEEK-CAM!!!


Yesterday, in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the news broke regarding new Georgia license plates that will be released possibly next spring.

The new plates will be not be the traditional raised-letter type, but instead be a printed type with lettering that will be easier to read. (I believe Missouri currently has such a plate.)

Since 1971, Georgia's standard plates have had the county name on a sticker, but the new plates will have the county name on the small registration decal only, thus the county of registration will no longer be obvious.

For the full article about the new plates, please click here to read it.


On Gribble Nation, there is now a website featuring the signs of Douglas County, Georgia, based on photos and information provided from fellow Georgia road enthusiast John Krakoff of Douglasville.

Please click here to see the site.

Kudos to John for sharing the signs with us and to Adam Prince and Charles "Comrade Mister Yamamoto" Slater for the web design.

... and finally....


As promised, I have created my first episode of ROADGEEK-CAM!!!

Please click here to see the video. (NOTE: This is a 16 MB MPEG file. DSL-or-faster speed recommended.)

That's all for now. Thanks for visiting and please come back again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh wow that new design is awful! It's completely retro and looks like Michigans dated plates. No wonder it was booed out of contention. Good riddance to it I say! There's no reason to change from the current design IMO either, plates look better when they are on light backgrounds. The darker ones should be reserved for speciality tags and the like. Just my humble opinion of course...